Our payroll solutions provide the flexibility to completely outsource your payroll to a team of payroll professionals or allows you to keep control of your payroll process and all your payments online.
Why should my business outsource Payroll?
Payroll can be a time consuming activity for any business; from timesheets to the preparation of pay slips and payment of salaries and superannuation. Accrual and recording of annual and sick leave is a task most employers can do without. Keep My Books Online can process your payroll on time and accurately, everytime. We offer a cost saving service that keeps your company compliant with all relevant legislation.
We also work with the best tech providers to enable remote work and efficient processes from anywhere in Australia. Software can improve the processes for both employer, employee and bookkeeper facilitating the process.

Pay Slips

Payments and Slips

Xero, MYOB, Quickbooks

Standard Outsourcing

Online Outsourcing